11.1 Dates of Existence (Required)

11.1.1 Record dates associated with the entity being described. Record dates in terms of the calendar preferred by the agency creating the data. Record dates in the following formats:

  • Record exact dates in [year] [month] [day] format.
  • Indicate a probable date by adding a question mark following the date.
  • If the date is uncertain but known to be either one of two dates, record the date in the form [date] or [date].
  • If the date can only be approximated, record the date in the form approximately [date]. Alternatively, record earliest possible or latest possible dates.

11.1.2 For a person, record his or her date of birth and/or date of death. Where exact dates are not known, record approximate dates.

1884 May 8 (date of birth)

1796? (date of birth)

1501 or 1507 (date of birth)

1826 July 4 (date of death)

approximately 1945 January (date of death)


1742 November 12-1802 December 27

not after 1920-not before 1971

11.1.3 For a person, if both the date of birth or date of death are unknown, record floruit (period of activity) dates. If specific years of activity cannot be established, record the century or centuries in which the person was active.

1841-1874 (active)

12th century (active)

11.1.4 For corporate bodies, record the date of establishment/foundation/enabling legislation and dissolution. If specific years cannot be established, record the century or centuries in which the corporation was active. If specific years cannot be established, record the century or centuries in which the corporation was active.

1970 (date of establishment)

1670? (date of establishment)

1842 (date of dissolution)

11.1.5 For corporate bodies such as a meeting or conference, record the year of the event. For events spanning multiple years, record in the form [year]–[year]. When necessary for disambiguation, record the exact date(s) of the event.



1978 November 13-15

11.1.6 For families, record significant dates associated with the family such as establishment dates or floruit dates. If specific years cannot be established, record the century or centuries in which the family was active.

1802 (date of establishment)

1945 (date of termination)

ninth century (end date of activity)