12.1 Names/Identifiers of Related Corporate Bodies, Persons, or Families
Commentary: In describing the parties that created, assembled, accumulated, and/or maintained and used archival records, it will be useful to identify related persons, families, and organizations. They may be connected in a variety of ways, such as members of families, hierarchical relationships between parts of organizations, chronological (i.e., predecessor/successor) relationships between organizations or parts of organizations, or offices held by a person within an organization. Related names might also be used within a descriptive system as alternative access points to descriptions of archival records or as links to other authority records.
12.1.1 Record the authorized names and any relevant unique identifiers, including the authority record identifier, of corporate bodies, persons, or families that have a significant relationship with the entity named in the authority record.
Minnesota. Division of Game and Fish
n 79066215 (Library of Congress authority record control number)
Brown, Muriel Buck Humphrey
n 83312367 (Library of Congress authority record control number)