6.2 Existence and Location of Copies (Added Value)Permalink
Purpose and ScopePermalink
This element indicates the existence, location, and availability of copies or other reproductions of the materials being described when they are available for use in an institution, or for loan or purchase, or available electronically. Do not mention copies in private hands or copies made for personal use.
6.2.1 If copies must be used instead of originals for preservation reasons, record this information in the Physical Access Element (4.2).
Sources of InformationPermalink
6.2.2 Take the information from repository records or the materials themselves.
General RulesPermalink
Copies and Originals Available in the Same Institution1Permalink
6.2.3 If a copy of all or part of the material being described is available, in addition to the originals, record information about the medium and location of the copy, any identifying numbers, and any conditions on the use or availability of the copy. If a copy of only a part of the unit being described is available, indicate which part. If the materials being described are available via remote access (electronically or otherwise), provide the relevant information needed to access them.
Also available on videocassette.
Microfilm copies available for interlibrary loan.
Diaries available on microfilm for use in repository only.
Digital reproductions of the Christie family Civil War correspondence are available electronically at http://www.mnhs.org/collections/christie.html.
The diary has been published in Dunlap, Kate. The Montana Gold Rush Diary of Kate Dunlap, edited and annotated by J. Lyman Tyler Denver: F. A. Rosenstock Old West Publishing Co., 1969. A physical copy of the publication is available for checkout at the Harold B. Lee Library (Call Number F 594 .D85 1969).
6.2.4 If appropriate, record information to distinguish between multiple generations of the material.
Prints in this series made from copy negatives, produced in 1974, of the original photographs.
Reference videocassette recorded from the internegative and optical sound track.
Modern silver gelatin print from original negative made 1915.
Copies Available in Another InstitutionPermalink
6.2.5 If a copy of all or part of the materials being described is available in another institution, and information about the copy(ies) is deemed important by the repository holding the original, record that information, including contact information for the repository holding the copy(ies).
A microfilm of the Alexander W. Chase Overland Journal is available at the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
[1] If the institution holds both the originals and a copy (or copies), the institution should establish a consistent policy regarding whether it will prepare a separate descriptive record for the copy or whether it will indicate the availability of the copy within the description of the original(s) as instructed in this element.