4.4 Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use (Added Value)
Purpose and Scope
This element identifies any restrictions on reproduction due to copyright or other reasons, as well as restrictions on further use of the materials being described, such as publication, after access has been provided.
Commentary: In many cases it will be necessary or desirable to provide a very succinct statement regarding reproduction and use (see Rule 4.4.7 and the first example under Rule 4.4.11), particularly when restrictions are complex or likely to change over time.
4.4.1 Record any access restrictions due to the nature of the information in the materials being described in the Conditions Governing Access Element (4.1).
4.4.2 Record any physical conditions affecting the use of the materials being described in the Physical Access Element (4.2).
4.4.3 Record any technical requirements affecting the use of the materials being described in the Technical Access Element (4.3).
Sources of Information
4.4.4 Derive the information from a reliable source, such as a donor agreement, statutes and regulations, or repository policies.
General Rules
4.4.5 Give information about copyright status and any other conditions governing the reproduction, publication, and further use (e.g., display, public screening, broadcast, etc.) of the unit being described after access has been provided.
4.4.6 Where possible and appropriate, combine the statements pertaining to copyright status, reproduction, publication, or use in the most efficient way.
Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.
Copyright Status
Commentary: The statement of copyright status of a work indicates whether or not it is protected by copyright and, if it is protected, the duration and owner of the copyright. The copyright status is determined by the copyright legislation of the country in which the archives preserving the work is located. Where the term of copyright protection has expired, it is useful to indicate that the work may be used freely for any purpose without the permission of the copyright owner or the payment of royalties. Where the work is still subject to copyright protection, it is useful to indicate the duration of copyright protection and the copyright owner, should the user require permission to use the work for purposes other than private study, scholarship, or research. Copyright laws provide the copyright owner with other rights in addition to copying, including the right to control publication, distribution, broadcast, public performance, and so on. Copyright laws may also permit archives and libraries to copy items in their holdings for limited purposes, such as research or preservation, without the permission of the copyright owner, provided that certain conditions are met.
4.4.7 If the details of the copyright status of the materials being described are unknown, unclear, or complex, make a general statement about possible copyright restrictions.
Copyright restrictions may apply.
4.4.8 If the materials being described are protected by copyright, indicate the copyright owner, when the copyright restrictions will expire, and contact information for the copyright owner or the owner’s agent, if known.
Copyright held by KOCE-TV.
Copyright in the unpublished writings of Clark M. Clifford in these papers and in other collections of papers in the custody of the Library of Congress has been dedicated to the public.
Copyright retained by the donor during her lifetime, at which point it will revert to the Regents of the University of California.
To the extent that she owns copyright, the donor has assigned the copyright in her works to the Archives; however, copyright in some items in this collection may be held by their respective creators. Consult the reference archivist for details.
4.4.9 If the term of copyright has expired, indicate that the material being described is no longer subject to copyright restrictions.
Material in this collection is in the public domain.
Conditions Governing Reproduction
Commentary: Reproduction is defined as the making of copies of all or part of an item in the unit being described. It does not involve other uses, such as publication, public viewing, broadcast, and so on. While copyright legislation may place statutory restrictions on reproduction (as well as other uses), reproduction may be restricted for other reasons, such as the wishes of the donor, physical condition, and so on.
4.4.10 If the conditions governing reproduction are fully expressed in the copyright status statement, do not repeat them in a separate statement.
4.4.11 Give information about any conditions that may restrict the making of copies of all or part of the materials being described. As appropriate, specify the details of the restriction, including the length of the period of closure or the date when it will be lifted; the authority that imposed the restriction(s); and the contact information for the person or office from whom permission to copy may be sought.
All requests for copying of materials must be submitted to the director of archives in writing for approval by the donor. Please consult the reference archivists for further information.
Cartographic material in this series cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the donor. This restriction is in effect until 30 June 2020. Contact the repository for further information.
Conditions Governing Publication and Other Uses
Commentary: Publication means the issuing or distribution of copies of a work to the public. A variety of uses other than reproduction or publication may be subject to certain conditions, including display, public viewing, broadcast, presentation on the World Wide Web, and so on.
4.4.12 If the conditions governing publication and other uses are fully expressed in the copyright status statement, do not repeat them in a separate statement.
4.4.13 Give information about any conditions that may restrict publication or other uses of all or part of the unit being described. As appropriate, specify the details of the condition(s), including the duration of the restriction or the date when it will be lifted; the authority that imposed the condition(s); and the contact information for the person or office from whom permission to publish may be sought.
Authorization to publish, quote, or reproduce must be obtained from Watkinson Library, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106.
Donor permission is required for public screening of films in this collection.
Drawings not to be used for construction as they have not been coordinated with engineer's drawings, which were unavailable.